Monday, October 6, 2008

Stiff drinks

Why has the cost of non-alcoholic drinks (soda and iced tea) gotten so expensive in restaurants? Most charge $1.60 and up now. Zios charges $2.19! A family of four could drop eight bucks before they even order food! Of course you could drink water, but why the high cost? I would guess that soda costs a restaurant less than a dollar a gallon, and iced tea must be even less. McDonalds’ has 42 oz. drinks for under a dollar, and most convenience stores do, too. I think it must be the terrorists. Everything is blamed on them now, or on one of the two political parties. I don’t want to argue politics, so let’s just agree that it must be the terrorists. This newest offense is an outrage! Where is John Wayne when we need him?

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