Sunday, November 23, 2008

Universal health care

Mike (name changed) was two years older than me when he died a few months ago. He died from a massive brain bleed, caused by high blood pressure. Though Mike worked 50 hours a week as an auto body specialist he could not afford doctors, health insurance, or medicine. Aside from high blood pressure, Mike was in otherwise very good physical shape. Generic blood pressure medicine would have cost maybe $100 a year, plus a $150 doctor visit to get the prescription. Instead he died, leaving behind a wife and two children. Let’s be honest. Let’s get past the liberal vs. conservative labels. Let’s sidestep the them-vs.-us arguments. If we can afford to spend $5-10 billion per month on a war that has no direct benefit to us, we can afford to insure Mike and everyone else like him. Not to do so is a moral and ethical travesty.

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