Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One more week

One more week until the big election – what will we do after that to entertain ourselves? Run in fear, possibly, if the wrong person is elected. Honestly, though, our country has enough checks and balances built into it that we might not see a whole lot of difference right away. Let’s be honest too – a president really can’t do much, if his peeps aren’t behind him. George Carlin said there are enough crazies in California, Texas, and Wyoming to keep us entertained for years. Interesting days ahead, yo!

Monday, October 20, 2008


The word idiopathic is medical-speak for “we don’t know.” Amazing to me that with all our toys, tools, and training – the answer is often still “dunno.” Add in a cool sounding word, and the inability to figure something out still sounds intelligent. “What would you do with the state of our economy, senator?” “Well Bob, I’m a little idiopathic on that right now.” “As president, what would you do about dependence on foreign oil?” “I would assemble all the geniuses, and determine the idiopathic response, Bob.” I like it! Let’s all try to use the word in casual conversation this week. For something so easy, it sounds really bright.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Overheard at the hospital:

Nurse 3: The wrinkly skin that covers the elbow is called the weenis.
Nurse 4: The what? The weenis?
Nurse 3: Yeah, the weenis. A very interesting part of the body. There are no nerves in the weenis. It doesn’t hurt if you injure it, or pull it.
(All the nurses started pulling on their elbow skin, to find out if that was true. So did I.)
Nurse 1: I can feel it when I pull on my weenis.
Nurse 3: I didn’t say you couldn’t feel it. I said it wouldn’t hurt.
Nurse 2: Wow, I pinched my weenis, and really couldn’t feel a thing!
Nurse 4: It hurts when I pinch my weenis.
Nurse 3: There’s no way – you have no nerves there. Maybe you can feel it, because you are pulling the skin around your weenis, and not just the weenis itself.
(Conversation accurate, but edited for space considerations)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stiff drinks

Why has the cost of non-alcoholic drinks (soda and iced tea) gotten so expensive in restaurants? Most charge $1.60 and up now. Zios charges $2.19! A family of four could drop eight bucks before they even order food! Of course you could drink water, but why the high cost? I would guess that soda costs a restaurant less than a dollar a gallon, and iced tea must be even less. McDonalds’ has 42 oz. drinks for under a dollar, and most convenience stores do, too. I think it must be the terrorists. Everything is blamed on them now, or on one of the two political parties. I don’t want to argue politics, so let’s just agree that it must be the terrorists. This newest offense is an outrage! Where is John Wayne when we need him?